Overwatch 2 damage characters

Overwatch 2 has a lot of damage (which class there are tank support and damage) characters so heres what they do

Junkrat: Junkrat has a grenade launcher (not good for hitting enemies out of the sky) and does a lot of damage. He has an ability were he throws a mine that he can explode dealing lots of damage. His other ability, he throws a bear trap that enemies can get stuck in and the trap does some damage to. Junkrat’s ultimate is called Rip Tire and he has an explosive tire that he controls that he can blow up dealing lots of damage if near enemies. He also has a perk were he does not take damage from his own mines and explosives so people usually place a mine, stand on top of it, blow it up and sending him flying which is good mobility. He has 200 health, and he drops a bunch of grenades when he dies so if he dies close to enemies he may kill them.

Soldier 76: Soldier 76 has an assault rifle with 30 bullets that does good damage to enemies if you can hit them. He has an ability that lets him run (only character that can run) it lets him have good mobility and good damage, the run ability does not have a cool down and it doesn’t have a count down for using it. He also has an ability called helix rockets, it does about 120 damage to enemies with a 6 second cooldown. His other ability is called Biotic Field that heals 40 health per second with a 15 second cooldown and it can heal team members also. His ultimate is called tactical visor which lasts 6 seconds that has faster reloads faster, his super lets him lock on to his enemies

Torbjorn: Torbjorn has a primary fire of a slug shotgun and has a secondary fire of a shotgun that has 18 bullets. He also has a second weapon that is a hammer that can do 50 damage to enemies, his hammer also has an effect on one of his abilities which is a turret that the hammer can he can throw that has 225 health and takes about 3 seconds before it can hit enemies, his hammer heals the turret for 50 health per hit. His other ability is called overload which increases his health by 100, his speed by 30 percent and his attack speed by about 38 percent, this ability lasts 5 seconds and has a 10 second cooldown. His ultimate is called molten core and he throws lava on the ground that can damage and burn enemies.

Hanzo: Hanzo has a bow that he can charge up and do more damage he also does more damage for headshots.He has 200 health He has an ability that shoots an arrow that lets you see nearby enemies through walls. His other ability lets him shoot arrows faster for 6 seconds with a 12 second cooldown. He can also climb walls, he can also double jump with a 4 second cooldown. His ultimate is called dragon strike which shoots an arrow that summons a dragon that does 150 damage per second that travels at 20 meters per second, it takes about 1 second to shoot the dragon.

Cassidy: Cassidy used to be named Mccree but they changed his name.He also has 225 health. He has a gun called peacekeeper that has 6 bullets and it also has a secondary fire that shoots really fast. He has an ability that rolls which has a 6 second cooldown and it reloads. His other ability he throws a grenade which has a 10 second cooldown and it can lock on to enemies that are close. His ultimate is called deadeye which locks on to enemies and hits them unless they his behind something or use a shield deadeye can also one shot some enemies depending on how much health they have.

Bastion: Bastion has submachine gun that has 25 bullets. Bastion also has 300 health.Bastion also can transform into a moving turret for 6 seconds, and he also takes reduced damage while using the turret ability, the turret ability has infinite ammo. Bastion also has a grenade ability that has an 8 second cooldown that can stick to enemies. His ultimate is called artillery configuration, which he shoots artillery shells which can be deflected by genji (another damage hero) and blocked by shields. His ultimate lasts 8 seconds and has 3 ammo.

Genji: Genji has a primary fire of 3 shurikens and his secondary fire the shurikens are thrown in a horizontal line. Genji can also double jump and climb walls, he has an ability were he dashes and can do damage to enemies. Genji’s other ability is were he deflects enemies projectiles back at them and do damage to them (this can also defect some ultimates). His ultimate is called dragon blade which lasts 6 seconds and does a bunch of damage with his sword to enemies.

Reaper: Reaper has two shotguns that have 8 ammo. Reaper can also heal from damaging enemies. He has an ability were he becomes invincible for 3 seconds and has a cooldown of 8 seconds, this ability also reloads for him. His other ability he can teleport which takes about 2 seconds before you teleport so you can get hit while trying to, it has a 10 second cooldown and has about a 35 meter range. His ultimate is called death blossom where he spins around shooting his shotguns that can hit all nearby enemies for 3 seconds doing lots of damage if they don’t shield or deflect it, some can also stun which cancels the ultimate ability. All of these abilities makes him good against most tanks.

Ashe: Ashe has a rifle that has 12 ammo, it can also aim doing more damage and shooting slower. Ashe has an ability that throws dynamite that does damage and can burn enemies nearby it, Ashe can also shoot the dynamite which makes it explode sooner. The dynamite also has a 12 second cooldown. Ashe also has an ability that can knock enemies back with a 10 second cooldown. Ashe’s ultimate ability is called Bob which spawns a robot named Bob that can hit enemies for about 10 seconds, Bob also has 1000 health.

Sombra: Sombra has a machine pistol that has 60 ammo. Sombra can also hack people which stops them from using abilities, Sombra can also hack Torbjorns turret which disables it for about 5 seconds. Sombra can also go invisible which doesn’t have a time limit (so you can stay invisible for the whole match) but if an enemies hits you, you get seen and it has a 6 second cooldown. Sombra has an ability called translocater which can let you teleport to where you throw it. Sombra’s ultimate is called EMP which hacks all enemies in a certain range which stops them from using all abilities.

Echo: Echo has a weapon called tri shot with 17 ammo. Echo has a passive ability called glide every time echo falls she can glide. She has an ability called sticky bombs which shoots 6 bombs at enemies with a 6 second cooldown. Echo has another ability called flight were echo can fly for about 3 seconds with a 6 second cooldown. Echo has another ability called focus beam can damage enemies for 2 seconds with a 8 second cooldown. Echo’s ultimate ability is called duplicate which can copy any enemies character and use their abilities and ultimates.

Pharah: Pharah has a rocket launcher that has 6 ammo. Pharah can also fly for up to 2 seconds by holding the jump button or the same button used to do secondary fire with other characters while in the air. Pharah also has an ability called jump jet were she launches herself up into the sky with a 10 second cooldown. Pharah also has another ability called concussive blast which can knock nearby enemies back with a 9 second cooldown. Pharah’s ultimate ability is called barrage which launches a bunch of rockets at enemies (this ultimate can be blocked with shields and deflected by genji ability).

Tracer: Tracer has 2 pistols with 40 ammo. Tracer has an ability called blink were she teleports forward which has 3 charge, it has a 3 second cooldown for each charge, 9 seconds for all. Tracer has another ability called recall which can go backwards 3 seconds restoring health and has a 12 second cooldown. Tracer’s ultimate ability is pulse bomb which throws a bomb that can stick to enemies dealing lots of damage in a small range.

Widowmaker: widowmaker has an automatic rifle that has 35 ammo. The rifle can also zoom in which can charge up and do more damage, having more charge can also take more ammo. Widowmaker has an ability called grappling hook which can pull widowmaker up to high places in a certain range, which has a 12 second cooldown. Widowmaker’s other ability is called venom mine which can have a poison effect on enemies (it can also tell you if the mine is triggered on your screen) this ability has a 15 second cooldown. Widowmaker’s ultimate ability is called infra sight which can let you and your team see enemies through walls for 15 seconds

Sojourn: Sojourn has a railgun that has 45 ammo an can charge up a secondary fire by damaging enemies which can fire a single bullet dealing lots of damage if fully charged. Sojourn has an ability called power slide which can charge forward a little bit, if you jump while using the slide you can jump really high which can save you on some maps if your launched off. Sojourn’s other ability is called disrupter shot which can damage enemies near the attack, this ability has a 15 second cooldown. Sojourn’s ultimate is called overclock which charges up the secondary fire faster without having to damage enemies

Mei: Mei has a primary fire that can slow down enemies by 40 percent (which can be frustrating) the primary fire has 150 ammo and uses about 20 ammo per second if you hold down the fire button, Mei’s secondary fire can shoot an icicle at enemies with way more range than the primary fire. Mei has an ability called cryo freeze were Mei freezes herself and heals for about 50 health per second for about 4 seconds, this ability has a 12 second cooldown. Mei’s other ability is called ice wall which places a wall of ice for 5 seconds and can be destroyed (there are 5 pillars with each pillar having about 250 health). Mei’s ultimate ability is called blizzard which lasts for about 4 seconds, it slows enemies and then freezes them dealing about 85 damage.

Symmetra: Symmetra has a primary fire of a lazar beam which can go up to 180 damage per second while starting at 60 damage per seconds, it has 100 ammo and uses 10 ammo per second, for Symmetra’s secondary fire she charges up a longer ranged attack that uses 10 ammo max charge. One of Symmetra’s abilities she can place 3 turrets with 30 health that can slow enemies and do 40 damage per second with a 10 second cooldown for each turret. Symmetra’s other ability is a teleporter with 30 range that can teleport team members, the teleporter has 50 health and 150 shield (a different type of health that can be regenerated, only some characters have it). Symmetra’s ultimate ability is called photon barrier which places a giant shield wall through the entire map which has 4000 health and lasts for 12 seconds.