overwatch 2 tank characters

Doomfist: Doomfist has a short range weapon on his hand and it has 4 ammo and recharges 1 ammo in about 0.4 second. Doomfist has an ability called rocket punch which can be charged up and hit enemies with a 4 second cooldown (all abilities that deal damage can generate over health if enemies are hit). Doomfist has another ability called seismic slam were Doomfist launches himself and can damage enemies with an 8 second cooldown (this ability can also generate over health). Doomfist has an ability called power block which can block attacks until charged, blocking attacks also reduces damage of the attack. After it is fully charged the rocket punch ability cooldown will reset and will do more damage. Doomfist’s ultimate ability is called meteor strike were Doomfist jumps in the air and them crashes into the ground which can do up to 300 damage within 2 meters and 6 meters of 15-100 damage depending on how close to the middle the enemies are.

Orisa: Orisa has an automatic weapon which does not have ammo but can overheat which won’t let you fire. Orisa has an ability called energy javelin which can stun enemies for about 0.2 seconds or 0.3 seconds if they enemy hits a wall from the knock back and can do damage to enemies, this ability has a 6 second cooldown. Orisa has another ability called Fortify which creates over health and reduces the rate the weapon over heats, it also immune to all stun, freeze, slow, and knockback abilities. Orisa’s other ability is called javelin spin which increases Orisa’s speed for about 2 seconds and blocks most basic attacks, this ability can also damage enemies and has a 7 second cooldown. Orisa’s ultimate ability is called Terra surge which charges up the javelin and slams it down (when the player presses the button on the screen) and the ultimate also pulls enemies in and slows them down in a 9 meter range.

Winston: Winston has a tesla cannon with a primary fire of a short range electric attack that has 100 ammo but uses 20 ammo per second, the secondary fire can charge up a long range lightning beam and uses up to about 12 ammo. Winston has an ability called barrier projector which places a dome shield with 650 health that can shield teammates until broken with a 5 meter range and lasts for 8 seconds with a 12 second cooldown. Winston’s other ability is called jump pack which lets Winston leap is a direction and can damage enemies with a 5 second cooldown. Winston’s ultimate ability is called primal rage which increases his health to have 850 health and 200 armor and increases his movement by 30 percent with a short range melee attack, the ultimate lasts for 10 seconds.

Ramattra: Ramattra is currently the newest character in the game as of march 2023 and a weapon called void accelerator and has 100 ammo. Ramattra can place a barrier (on the ground and it stays in place) which has 1000 health and lasts for 4 seconds and has a 13 second cooldown. Ramattra has another ability called nemesis form which adds 225 health of armor and increases speed by 20 percent, during this ability you cannot place the shield or use the void accelerator instead Ramattra has a melee attack that can go through shield and has a block ability that only blocks for Ramattra that reduces damage by 75 percent, this ability lasts for 8 seconds and has an 8 second cooldown. Ramattra has another ability called ravenous vortex which places a damage field that decreases enemies movement speed and damages enemies, this also pulls enemies out of the sky if they enter the range, this ability lasts for 3 seconds and has a 12 second cooldown. Ramattra’s ultimate ability is called annihilation were Ramattra enters nemesis form and has a area that damages enemies without Ramattra having to attack, this increases the duration if enemies are in the range for 20 seconds.

Roadhog: Roadhog has a primary fire of a scrap gun which fire a spread of scrap to hit enemies with 6 ammo, the secondary fire is a scrap ball that explodes and hits enemies from farther away. Roadhog has an ability that heals him for about 350 health and reduces damage during the 2 second animation by 50 percent with a cooldown of 8 seconds. Roadhog has another ability which is a hook that he throws at enemies that can pull them in or pull them off the map and does a small amount of damage with a 20 meter range and a 6 second cooldown. Roadhog’s ultimate ability is called whole hog which fire about 120 ammo per second with infinite ammo, this ultimate has lots of knockback making it good for the capture the objective maps, this lasts for about 7 seconds.

Sigma: Sigma which has an attack called hyperspheres which fires 2 grenades that can bounce off walls, this has infinite ammo. Sigma has an ability called experimental barrier which places a barrier wall in any direction that he is facing, the shield has 700 health and recharges health after be down for 2 seconds. Sigma has another ability called kinetic grasp which can block most attacks and make them over health for 2 seconds (max overhealth of 400) with a 12 second cooldown. Sigma has another ability called accretion which throws a rock that stuns enemies that are hit by it with a 10 second cooldown. Sigma’s ultimate ability is called gravitic flux were Sigma can fly and pulls enemies in the sky in a 7 meter range, then he slams the enemies into the ground

D.va: D.va has a mech that fires a gun that has infinite ammo, when D.va’s mech is destroyed (550 health total) she jumps out and can attack without the mech (with 150 health).D.va has an ability called defense matrix which blocks most attacks with a 3 second duration and a 6 second cooldown. D.va has another ability called boosters which lets D.va charge in any direction. D.va has another ability called rockets which launches a barrage of rockets at enemies for about 2 seconds. D.va’s super is called self destruct were D.va jumps out of the mech and explodes it (if the explosion hits an enemy she gets her mech back) after the mech blows up she has another super that can call the mech back.

Wrecking ball: Wrecking ball is a hamster in a giant robot that can transform into a ball and roll around. Wrecking ball has cannons on the robots arms that has 80 ammo. Wrecking ball has an ability that can place a hook somewhere in his range and swing around with a 5 second cooldown. Wrecking ball has another ability called adaptive shield which creates over health depending on how many enemies are nearby with a 9 second duration and a 15 second cooldown.Wrecking ball has another ability that slams into the ground if he is in the air. Wrecking ball’s ultimate ability is called minefield which places a bunch of mines in an area that last 20 seconds an does 100 damage per mine.

Junker queen: Junker queen has a weapon called scatter shot that has 6 ammo. Junker queen has an ability that throws a knife at enemies if it hits them directly she can pull them in and cause an effect that does damage over a short amount of time (this also heals junker queen) this ability has a 6 second cooldown. Junker queen has another ability called commanding shout which increases speed by 30 percent and creates over health for Junker queen and team members (200 health for Junker queen and 50 for teammates) this lasts for 5 seconds for Junker queen and 3 seconds for team members. Junker queen has another ability called carnage that swings an axe that can also cause an effect that damages enemies over a short amount of time that can also heal Junker queen, this ability has an 8 second cooldown. Junker queen’s ultimate ability is called rampage which charges in any direction and stop enemies from healing for about 4 seconds and also does about 100 damage.

Zarya: Zarya has a particle cannon with a primary fire of a energy beam that has 100 ammo and uses about 20 ammo per second, the particle cannon has a secondary fire which fires a ball of energy at enemies. Zarya has an ability that can shield her and her teammates with 2 charges with a 10 second cooldown and a duration of 2 seconds, the shield has 200 health and if enemies hit the shield it charges Zarya’s particle cannon and makes it do more damage to enemies. Zarya’s ultimate ability is called graviton surge which can pull enemies in to a short range blast for 4 seconds the ultimate also can damage enemies.

Reinhardt: Reinhardt has a hammer that damages enemies. Reinhardt also has a wall shield that he has with 1200 health to shield teammates and if the shield is destroyed it has a 5 second cooldown. Reinhardt has an ability called charge which Reinhardt charges in a direction and can grab enemies and stun them if they hit a wall, and can knock them off the map. Reinhardt has another ability called fire strike which has 2 charges with a 6 second cooldown, this ability can go through shields and hit enemeis. Reinhardt’s ultimate ability is called earthshatter which slams his hammer down and stuns enemies in a medium range also doing 100 damage.

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