overwatch 2 support characters

Lucio:Lucio has a 4 round burst weapon with 20 ammo, he can heal team members in about a 12 meter range, he has an ability to switch the heal to a speed boost. Lucio has an ability that increases the speed and healing boost so he can heal more or make team members go faster with a 12 second cooldown. Another ability Lucio has is called soundwave which can push enemies back and do 25 damage with a 4 second cooldown. Lucio can also wall ride which makes him go faster. Lucio’s ultimate ability is called sound barrier which gives team mates 750 health for 6 seconds.

Baptiste:Baptiste has a burst weapon for a primary fire with 45 ammo, His secondary fire is a healing launcher which heals 70 health on a direct hit but it can’t heal Baptiste only his team. Baptiste can jump really high by holding the crouch button until its fully charged which can allow him to get high ground. Baptiste has an ability called regenerative burst which can heal him and his team members for about 5 seconds. Baptiste’s other ability is called immortality field which saves team members and keeps them at about 25 percent health for about 5 seconds, the immortality field can be destroyed and it has a 15 second cooldown. Baptiste’s ultimate ability is called amplification matrix which is a barrier that can double healing and damage.

Mercy: Mercy has 2 weapons, one is a staff that heals team members for about 50 health per second if the team member is above 50 percent health and if the teammate is below 50 percent health Mercy heals them for about 65 health per second (can only heal one team member at a time) Mercy can heal herself now for 25 percent only while healing a teammate(all healers heal overtime but its slow) the healing staff also has a secondary fire which increases damage of team members by 30 percent. Mercy also has a blaster that has 20 ammo. Mercy has an ability called resurrect which revives teammates with a 30 second cooldown. Mercy’s other ability is called guardian angle where she can fly towards teammates in a certain range this ability has about a 2.5 second cooldown. Mercy’s ultimate ability is called valkyrie were Mercy can fly and heal all teammates at once (with the healing staff if nearby) Mercy’s blaster also has infinite ammo during the super.

Ana:Ana has a sniper that has 15 ammo that can also heal teammates if hit (if teammate is full health they don’t get hit with the attack) the sniper can also zoom in or ads(aim down sights). Ana has an ability called sleep dart which if enemies are hit with it they get stunned for about 5 seconds. Ana has a grenade that can heal teammates and damage enemies also stoping them from getting heals for about 3.5 seconds. Ana’s ultimate ability is called nano boost and it heals one teammate for about 250 health(most characters will get healed to full health) and increases damage by 50 percent and take less damage from enemies by 50 percent for 8 seconds.

Moira: Moira has a primary fire that can damage enemies in a 20 meter range, Moira’s secondary fire heals teammates for about 8 seconds but has to recharge. Moira has an ability called biotic orb which can throw a healing or damage orb in a certain direction and has an 8 second cooldown. Moira’s other ability is called fade which increase speed by 250 percent and makes Moira unable to be damaged for about 1 second and has a 6 second cooldown. Moira’s super is called coalesence which shoots a lazar beam for about 8 seconds(if not canceled) that can heal teammates and damage enemies.

Zenyatta: Zenyatta has orbs that has 20 ammo, Zenyatta can also charge up an attack an deal more damage. Zenyatta has an ability called orb of discord which increases the damage of one enemy by 25 percent for 2 seconds. Zenyatta also has another ability called orb of harmony which heals teammates for 30 health a second for 3 seconds. Zenyatta’s melee attack has knock back which is good for knocking enemies off the map. Zenyatta’s ultimate ability is called transcendence which makes him immune to damage but can’t damage enemies or heal teammates, he heals teammates for about 300 health a second for 6 seconds.

Kiriko:Kiriko has secondary fire of a kunai which has 15 ammo and a primary fire which is called healing ofuda which heals teammates and has 10 ammo. Kiriko has an ability called swift step which can teleport to a teammate anywhere in a 35 range area from her which has a 7 second cooldown. Kiriko’s other ability is called protection suzu which makes teammates immune to damage in a small range for about 1 second and has a 14 second cooldown. Kiriko’s ultimate ability is called kitsune rush which makes all team members attack faster, walk faster, and reload faster.

Brigette:Brigette has a melee weapon that can hit multiple enemies at once, Brigette can also heal teammates by damaging enemies. Brigette has an ability that throws a health pack at teammates at heals them on impact (ability tracks teammates for healing) and after for 2 seconds, this ability has 3 charges with each charge having a 6 second cooldown. Brigette has another ability called whip shot which can hit a single enemy and knocks them back a few meters, this ability has a 4 second cooldown. Brigette has a small shield with 300 health (reduces movement by 30 percent) it will recharge health after about 2 seconds (if not using the shield for 2 seconds) Brigette also has a shield ability called shield bash which charges at enemies and can stun them (if an enemy uses another charge ability. Brigette’s ultimate ability is called rally which increases speed of teammates and can add up to about 100 overhealth for 10 seconds.

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